

编辑:林琳 骆一峰





标签: 英语读物-国学


  《 最新英文全译全注本》,与同时推出的《最新英文全译全注本》一起,是吴国珍先生继2012年出版的《最新英文全译全注本》之后的又一力作,也是他2005年退休后殚精竭虑英译“四书”的又一重要成果。为使英译忠于原文,作者首先精心打造出全新的、公允而平白的古文今译,而英译方面,则能秉承专家对其《论语》英译所作的“准确、简练、通俗、地道”的一贯风格,打造出清新、流畅、简约、准确的全新译文。此书在对外推介时,专家的评语是:“吴老师的《大学》《中庸》英译,同样是下足了功夫:他给每一章都作了详细的注释,并引用相当多的历史背景故事,全部以英文呈现,对目标读者的好处自不待言;他的正文英译行文干净利落、语言准确道地、表意简洁流畅,相对于理雅各的滞重,该译本给人以清新明丽的感觉。”本书末添加一“索引”,让所有《大学》《中庸》名句全在读者的掌握之中,堪称又一亮点。



  (1)朱熹原序Zhu Xi’s Preface。

  (2)《大学》《中庸》英译正文 The English Version of the Great Learning and The English Version of the Doctrine of the Mean。

  (3)《大学》《中庸》原文的汉语今译 (Modern Chinese version)。

  (3)每章英译内文重点词句的详细注释 ( Notes)。

  (4)本书正文后面的“索引”( Index), 实为这两书名言警句集录。





朱熹原序Zhu Xi’s Preface
《大学》英译正文 The English Version of the Great Learning
孔经The Classic Preaching by Confucius
曾传The Elucidation by Zeng Shen
2 至 11
《中庸》英译正文 The English Version of the Doctrine of the Mean
1至 33
参考书目  Reference
索引 Index
    The aim of the great learning is to help carry forward the moral excellence in men, to push the people to remold themselves, and to help the learners to attain to perfection.
The Book of Poetry says: “The royal capital and its thousand-mile surrounding districts are where people dwell.” The Book of Poetry says: “The twittering yellow birds dwell in the hill corner.” To this Confucius commented: “As to a living place, even a bird knows where to dwell. Can a human be less conscious than a bird?”
哀公问政。子曰:“文、武之政,布在方策。其人存,则其政举;其人亡,则其政息。人道敏政,地道敏树。夫政也者,蒲卢也。故为政在人,取人以身,修身以道,修道以仁。”(中庸 20)
When Prince Ai of the State of Lu consulted him about governance, Confucius said, “King Wen and King Wu’s governance can still be read in records written on wood and bamboo tablets. While they were living, their governance functioned well; when they passed away, their governance withered away with them. Human factors affect governance as promptly as soil does the trees. Governance resembles the reed (in its rapid growing and withering). So the key to governance lies in human element, and in order to recruit qualified personnel, the sovereign needs to cultivate himself first; in order to cultivate himself he needs to employ the right way; in order to employ the right way he needs to have a benevolent heart.”


装 帧:平装

页 数:72

开 本:16开

字 数:93千字